The Digital MACBA Collection

With the educational patronage of

Fundación Repsol offers its suport towards the proposal Digital MACBA Collection proposal.,Boosting the sustainability of the museum and reinforcing knowledge through the digital experience, the sponsorship allows the digitilasation process of a sieries of pieces of the MACBA Collection that can then be explored through  the Art and Artists section on the museum’s website, while at the same time offering a virutal visit to the permanent exhibition “MACBA Collection. Prelude. Poetic Intent”.

In the virtual sample of the collection, no only are the diferent aspects and pieces seen, but also the artists’ voices are heards, exploring the not so common perspectives with which these unexpected journeys can take place. A virtual route filled with interesting facts and unpublished contents.

“Poetic Intent”, based on the Martinica philosopher Édouard Glissant’s affirmation, who defends the poem never must deny the way of the world, locates the artworks amidst the experience. Here starts the virtual journey to the exhibition.



Altres projectes educatius

The children of the neighbourhood programme

The programme, entitled “Els nens i nenes del barri” and “Grup de joves”, allows children from 9 to 12 years old and young people from 12 years old in the Raval neighbourhood to experience the museum with an artist through creative activities.

The Digital MACBA Collection

A virtual journey through the MACBA Collection, filled with curiosities and exclusive unreleased content, hearing the voices of the artists and exploring the more unusual prespectives of the collection.